37 thoughts on “Ice Skating – Progression of Moves

  1. oh gay i like your masterfully shaped poem…you will start to weep when you see mine…honestly… and i love ice skating…spent half of my youth on the ice rink…progression of moves…love it..

  2. Claudia – Have I told you I have spent half of mine there too – not as much on the ice as with a clipboard in hand. I’ve watched generations of skaters (we gauge a generation as every four years). My son quotes Hotel California when describing the sport – “you can check in any time you like—-but you can never leave” (The younger one would quote the line about the steely knives and killing the beast but that’s another story – ha!)

  3. Gay, as usual you show us how it is done, gorgeous images, language that induces synaesthesia (I could hear the ice), and a wonderful organic form. It flows with the grace of a dance while building excitement, such a well sharpened blade. Thank you!

  4. i really need to stop coming here after posting mine…i feel like the class dunce….haha…this is beautiful…ice skaters make me think of dancers….this is gorgeous…engaging all the senses…you are the master…

    • I did this by hand today and scanned it onto my computer. I might have been able to do this on the computer but it would have taken six times as much time. This is true to some of the original poems I’ve seen from the 50s and 60s. There’s a heart filled over & over with the word “love”. These were made by hand and often reproduced as posters. Wow. Apollinaire Guillaume who was famously painted by Toulouse Lautrec also used shapes to make posters in Paris at the turn of the century and in France in the 50s there were many concrete poems made to match the outline of Lautrec’s poster.

  5. Gorgeous! I love how you’ve layered your poetry over the back-shaded image of the skater. I tried to skate once but I have the ability to trip over lint… it wasn’t very pretty, so unlike your graceful presentation. I love it.


  6. all I can say is a big LOL…you managed to successfully find a way to the ISI and USFS in the poem. THAT is a feat in and of itself. never would i have thought I’d see those organizations in a poem.

    do i have to say anything about the beautiful shape. no, that goes without saying.

    but having done some skating and having been a skating mom, you tuoch on so many aspects of skating, the world, the technique, the art, and the best is that on the blade (and of course, the blade IS the skate…) you put the most important message, in the biggest print.

    • Hi – Didn’t know you were a sk8ng mom too! So much to say about all that. I’ve been judging since ’74 so…I’ve seen many rinks and much sk8ng. Yep! I made sure any skaters would know the message was on the blade. I included the school figure moves which are coming back. They’ve just added LOOPS to field moves. It’s constantly changing, and keeps one young! Thanks for the comments. Much appreciated!!

  7. Gay, that is just marvelous. What a beautiful piece, a pure example of the possibilities in poetry. Thanks, I love it

  8. A real early evening feast for me here, Gay– scrolling down and reading your recent poems and posts– I loved your narrative poem about trying to break in in New York. I so appreciate the optimism that pervades your work, and thanks very much for being so positive about mine. xxxj

    • You’re a great talent and an honest writer Jenne. It’s an honor to read your work. Sometimes it is pain transformed but it’s always emotion and sensitivity transcended. Thank you for the comments on mine. I play with lots of style and forms but I try to keep my voice throughout. (Trouble is…I seem to have several voices 😉

  9. I liked the way you let the image swarm the words rather than the other way around — the picture commanded the reading, and the reading — jots of elliptical motion — we allowed to twirl and rise. Also, great introduction to the challenge — Brendan

  10. I knew before the image loaded that something extraordinary awaited. How magical and clever of you. I’ve never skated, no ice rinks have there been in my life (roller skates, though they lack the edge, the bladed message you describe).
    I found your essay on concrete forms fascinating – like being on an MFA course in Poetry. Thankyou!

  11. Very nice indeed–I love watching ice skating–to me its even more beautiful
    and amazing than ballet, with the fluidity and speed the ice brings, as well as the challenge. Your poem is a lovely encapsulation of that freedom to soar and spin.

  12. Thanks everyone. Yes – over 25 years as a figure skating judge; my children skated and my oldest son tested out, competed at the national level in Senior dance and opted to take his scholarship in Engineering rather than carry on; however he too is judging and still very active in Florida in the sport. I keep thinking I’ll do a whole set of skating poems. It’s been such a large segment of my life!

  13. this is simply divine, Gay! i love your idea for the scanner and i’ve seen images of the heart made of love. adore it! your form posts just get better and better at dVerse ~ thank you for all you do and share. ♥

  14. Gay,
    It’s amazing that you have to go through the whole process to get a beautiful posting. I had to move the words around to get a visual effect. At least we get to know a new form through your efforts. Thanks


  15. Awesome form to your poem, and the way you’ve interlaced moves and how-to’s in it – one of the best shape poems I’ve seen. I’m not much of an ice skater, but it’s always been one of my favourite sports to watch.

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